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- Both standard and featured listings are billed yearly, with the option to subscribe for automatic billing on yearly basis
- Payments are processed through PayPal. Special payment arrangement can be made upon request..
- For listing options that include additional links, the links are shown on the details page to listing, and only include links for that listing.
- Take care to write good quality descriptions. Submissions that contain errors, bad grammer, or similar will delay approval.
- Do not submit links to affiliate programs or websites that only contain affiliate links.
- Do not submit links to pornographic sites or websites that have links or banners that lead to pornographic websites.
- Do not submit sites that are under construction.
- Do not submit link redirect pages such as "welcome.to" or "come.to". These redirect sites are very busy and frequently fail to complete the link causin an overhelming number reports of "Broken Links" for sites that are properly functioning. Submit the direct link to your website only to ensure the best web surfing experience for visitors.
- Submit titles and descriptions in English only.
- Use proper case for significant words in title. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence in descriptions, as well as proper nouns. Submissions that contain fields in all UPPER CASE all lower case will not be accepted.
- Both homepage and inner page submissions are accepted, as long as they are submitted an appropriate category.
- Top-level category submissions require featured listings.
- Do not include URLs in the description fild (e.g. www.mysite.com).
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